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Context for the Strategic Plan
In 2023, the Durham Regional Police Service welcomed its ninth Police Chief, Peter Moreira. Under this new leadership, the Durham Regional Police Service continues to serve a population of over three-quarters of a million people in the largest geographical space in the Greater Toronto Area.
Durham Region’s population continues to grow* and diversify; according to the 2021 Census, over one in three residents belong to a racialized group.**
*See Durham Region’s 2021 Census of Population Information Report and Durham Region’s Monitoring of Growth Trends Information Report.
**See 2021 Census Profile, note: specific municipalities can be selected as desired.
DRPS continues to experience increases in operational pressures. Between 2017 and 2022, the number of 911 calls our Communicators received grew 34%. In addition to a larger call volume, the growing complexity of policing has steadily lengthened the time officers spend on calls.
911 calls
Time spent on-scene (minutes)
Officers are responding to violent and property crime rates that have increased every year over the past three years. Some notable crime trends that have recently emerged are the rise in auto thefts, sexual assaults, and firearm offences as well as the growth and changing nature of fraud. Recent years have also seen more variations in online fraud, including sextortion.
Operational Pressures
Frontline Variance 2017-2022

Auto Thefts


Mental Health Apprehensions






Sexual Offences

Not only are officers responding to increasing crime, but police have become the first line of response for individuals experiencing mental health crises. This trend is reflected in the growth in Mental Health Act (MHA) apprehensions DRPS has handled. Between 2017 and 2022, there was a 46% increase in MHA apprehensions. Younger adults (46%) and youth under the age of 17 (16%) make up the largest proportion of DRPS’ MHA apprehensions.*
*Between 2011 and 2021.
To best meet the changing needs of Durham Region, our Service is committed to taking a community-centric approach to policing. Our members continue to engage with our communities and work with partners to best serve Durham Region.