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Strategic Plan Review

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Creating a New Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan sets the priorities for the Durham Regional Police Service. It shapes how we operate and where we direct resources. Over the course of 2023, DRPS developed its new Strategic Plan, which launched in January, 2024. During the development process, we conducted an environmental scan and consulted with thousands of Durham community members, Service members, local business owners, community stakeholders, and municipal and regional councils. The consultations, in combination with the Chief’s priorities, informed the creation of our strategic goals and objectives. The Strategic Plan aims to reflect the current needs and priorities of our communities while ensuring flexibility to proactively anticipate and respond to future (or changing) conditions. During the development of the new Strategic Plan, DRPS continued to monitor its progress towards the previous Plan’s (2020-2022) goals and objectives. The goals from that plan are outlined below:
Deliver services and programs that inspire the trust of all communities
Improve reported levels of satisfaction across the communities we serve
Identify, prioritize and strengthen partnerships to support equity-seeking groups in the community
Increase community participation in crime prevention by providing relevant and timely crime and safety information
Attract a skilled workforce that reflects the diversity of the community
Enhance police visibility to instil community confidence and reduce fear of crime
Attract a skilled workforce that reflects the diversity of the community
DRPS continued to attract racialized applicants. 55% of applicants for sworn positions identified as racialized.
Provide efficient and effective evidence-based policing services
Improve road safety by focusing enforcement on the most dangerous driving behaviours
Prevent, investigate and solve criminal activity using intelligence, partnerships and data analysis
Prevent re-offending
Maintain cost-effective service through innovation and continuous improvement
Prevent re-offending
In 2023, 18% of violent offences were committed by violent repeat offenders. This indicator has been trending downward since 2018 when it was 23%. There was a notable increase in compliance checks performed in 2023. In 2023, officers performed over 3,000 compliance checks compared to just under 2,000 in 2022.
Improve road safety by focusing enforcement on the most dangerous driving behaviours
In 2023, 2.03 of injury/fatal collisions involved impairment, which is 8% lower than 2022.
Foster a positive organizational culture
Support the physical and mental health and general well-being of members
Ensure a respectful, bias-free and inclusive workplace
Identify and resolve the barriers to effective internal communication
Improve the transparency and clarity of member evaluation and development processes
Support the physical and mental health and general well-being of members
53% of members who responded to the survey think that health and wellness resources and support are effective and 72% are willing to use those resources and support.
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