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Forward. Together.

Peter Moreira was sworn in as the ninth Chief of Police for Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) at a Change of Command Ceremony on March 24, 2023. As part of his mandate he identified three priorities: Building Trust, Enhancing Strategic Partnerships and Advancing the Modernization of the Service.
Under his command, DRPS began a review of the current organization in June 2023 and called the project Forward. Together. This work was initiated to ensure the Service’s processes and investments support community-centric policing and that DRPS delivers the best outcomes for our community.

The Forward. Together. team

On May 3, 2023, Chief Peter Moreira identified and selected A/Director Holly Britton and Superintendent Paul Hallett to build a team to help create an outline and project charter to conduct an organizational review of DRPS.
DRPS: Forward. Together. was created to focus on designing the structure and processes for an effective, efficient and agile frontline division. Underpinning the design were three goals of building trust internally and externally, forging or enhancing strategic partnerships as a way to improve outcomes for our communities and reduce demand, and finally a commitment to modernization through the improvement of processes and leveraging technology. Also included were discussion points regarding the vision of the resulting DRPS divisions and leadership structure.
This project framework was created to outline the scope, objectives, and stakeholders of this organizational review and provide a concise roadmap for the project team to follow. The success of this review depends on a strong foundational framework that provides clarity and direction to the team and outlines how issues will be managed and timelines met.
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